Simply Come

I’m thinking. I’m thinking waaaay too much.

I’m thinking of how I can truly surrender in this area of giving. I’m thinking about what it looks like for my current life situation. Do I drop off everything and live in a house in Philadelphia with The Simple Way community, making my own clothes and spending time with homeless? Do I give away everything I own?

One thing I know, no matter what the capacity of this yield to “stuff” and money, there must be one. I’m not exactly sure what it looks like, but it’s kind of beautiful that way. It’s incredible to know I need not lean on my own understanding. He will make straight my paths, our paths in everything as we seek after Him.

This morning, I want to worship. In worship, the dying of my desires and the joy found in His love invites His presence into the atmosphere around me. This morning, I seek after Him, basking in His eternal goodness. Everything else will follow, including grasping how it is I should give.